agro value chain management

Agro-value Chain Development

Agro-Value Chain Development

We undertake full range of agro-value chain development consultancies through proven Strategies for Results and Value.

Value chain analysis

Janda Consult ltd uses current value chain analytical framework for Agro-value chain analysis to map and identify relevant challenges, opportunities with practical business sound recommendations.

Capacity building

Janda Consult Ltd conducts tailor made capacity building programmes that is responsive to needs of the value chain players. We conduct outreach and residential trainings depending on the needs and resources. We provide hands-on advice on how to improve production processes and producers’ skills.

Market access

Janda Consult Ltd assists in creating business partnerships along the value chain to benefit both producers and vendours. We provide technical support for value addition, packaging, promotions.


Agro-production is mainly by small and scattered producers with marketing challenges due to low economies of scale. Janda Consult Ltd strengthens the role and capacities of business membership organizations through information access, technical/ business trainings.