About Project

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) with funding from the African Development Bank (ADB) is implementing a five-year Agriculture Value Chain Programme (AVCP)-Project 1. The overall project objective is to contribute to poverty reduction and economic growth in Uganda through enhanced productivity and commercialization of selected agricultural value chain enterprises namely; Rice, Maize, Dairy and Beef.

Specifically, AVCP focuses on promoting commercial agricultural practices, sustainable natural resources management and agricultural enterprise development to improve household incomes, food security and climate resilience. Project implementation covers 47 districts spread across six regions (Eastern, North Central, Northern, South Central, South Western and Western), targeting 1,816,756 (386,544 households) beneficiaries with 52% being women.

Project Information
  • Client: Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries
  • Funder: African Development Bank

Our Solution

Our solution: M & E Support

Results:  Baseline survey 1,900 households, 47 Districts

Period: 20th July 2021- 25th Nov. 2021

Status: Completed